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I hoped to create a realistic environment using procedural foliage to create the environment and modular assets to create unique assets that can be changed easily.

I wanted this project to help me develop my skills in unreal and learn new techniques to help development for my FMP.

I investigated different cinematics in games, movies and tv shows. All these forms of media helped me with learning new camera and video editing skills.

I intended to use different forms of social media I.e discord, YouTube, reddit to help with the production of my cinematic.

I researched the pros and cons of each pack that contains photorealistic assets. Using these assets, I created a procedural foliage pack to load foliage automatically in the specified area. This allowed me to resimulate the foliage to change the composition of the scene.


This contains a short description of the topics covered in this presentation.

Summery of my idea

This page covers why I was inspired to create a cinematic in unreal and how the idea came around.

Summery of my Research

This page covers the case studies i did for some of the youtubers that helped improve my overall consistency.


This is my conclusion detailing my thoughts after the project and some things i think ive done well in.

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